
The Secret

This is seriously a good book. It tells us about a secret that has been - to some people - knowingly practice it and apply it to their advantage and becoming the most successful person on earth. People like Leonardo da Vinci, Donal Trump, Mahatma Ghandi, and so on. All the great leaders, inventors, wealthy people use 'The Secret'. It also tells us that no matter what religion you are from, The Secret is always there, for every religion explains The Secret in its own unique ways. But, to ones logic, though The Secret comes in many different forms of explanation, there is one thing that clearly explains how the secret work is, its law - The Law of Attraction. You want it you got it.

Seriously! a very good book. Batah plang sudah ni buku ah~ There is also another book, The Secret for Teen Powers which is specifically for teens. Its a lot easier to understand and most of the example relates to some of teenagers life to which teens who read this book can see from their point of view instead of a general view of the secret. I bought this 'Teen Power' book about a week ago. Here's a picture of it.

This book is worth it. It is a bit pricy, I bought it for BND 33.80. Then again, anything for a good book :)

I've been reading this book for days now and applying some of it to get the idea and the result kinda surprised me :)

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