

Turn your frown upside down. If you don't get it, that means smile :) Its a fact that some people just seem to have a bad day like me! Hahaha. For instance, my bad day starts the moment my parent bang knock my bedroom door telling me to get up. I really don't like it when people woke me up because its so darn annoying and I become cranky for the whole day! one bad thing leads to another bad thing and guess what! That leads to a really REALLY bad day. So~ I thought "Hey! why not turn my frown upside down". After that, I start my day with a smile - just don't force yourself to smile because that won't work - and my day become better than ever.You can be in the deepest pit ever, feeling all emo and miserable. All it takes is an honest smile and that is enough to fuel your happy-o-meter day.  Smile! I had a wonderful day today because I turn my frown upside down. 

~ Have a nice day ~

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